The secret to healthy plants is a healthy soil. Everything a plant needs to be healthy and produce comes from the soil. If it isn’t in the soil it never gets to the fruit thus it never gets to us.
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Clover can be tough to get rid of, but with some diligence and the right products, you can have a clover-free lawn. For a weed killer, the only thing that you can use is Zamzows Ultra Weed Control for Lawns.
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Zamzows Nutri-Rich is a 100% certified organic all-purpose fertilizer. The majority of organic fertilizers are unbalanced and very high in nitrogen. Our formula is 4-3-3. This balanced nutrient rich blend provides long-lasting natural plant food; it also contains 7% calcium.
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Boxelder bugs feed on low vegetation and seeds on the ground during the spring and early summer. These black and orange bugs move to the female seed-bearing Boxelder trees, starting in mid-July. Eggs are normally laid on the trunk, branches, and leaves of the tree.
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There are many ways to stop dog urine from burning or yellowing grass on your lawn. These are all healthy and safe suggestions to stop your dog from creating those unsightly urine burns on your grass.
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There comes a time in every gardening season when all the plants are planted. All the vegetables tended. This time of year comes so much faster than we ever realize. For organic and natural gardeners the options for getting plants to put out that little extra is very limited. What if I could show you a way to feed your plants naturally and you would see miracle-like results?
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Garlic is part of the Allium family which also includes similar plants such as onions, shallots, and leeks. Garlic is very easy to grow, having no real disease and pest problems to deal with and is forgiving about what kind of soil it's planted in.
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Lawn rust appears on the grass blade tips as an orange powder stuck to the leaves. You want to make this distinction, as brown or dying leaf blades may be symptomatic of other issues in the lawn.
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Our basket varieties are hand selected for beautiful combinations and hardiness. Early in the growing process our buyer and growers work together to pick out the newest and hardiest varieties for our baskets so you get the most unique hanging baskets in the area.
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