Raised beds are very versatile and easy to use. A raised bed allows you to easily control your soil mixture so that you can always have the proper soil for your plants. As you customize the soil mixtures in your raised beds, you can improve soil drainage and soil compaction, this being the most important advantage. This is very important, especially with the high alkaline, clay soil that we deal with here in our area.
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"Thatch” is the build up of dead grass material right at soil level. Grasses that reproduce from rhizomes are the biggest contributors to thatch build up.
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There comes a time in every gardening season when all the plants are planted. All the vegetables tended. This time of year comes so much faster than we ever realize. For organic and natural gardeners the options for getting plants to put out that little extra is very limited. What if I could show you a way to feed your plants naturally and you would see miracle-like results?
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