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Lawn & Garden

When to Start Seeds Indoors/Outdoors

When to Start Seeds Indoors/Outdoors

Seed starting is a very rewarding addition to the backyard gardeners skill set. Buying available plants from your local retailer has a great convenience. But sometimes there are varieties that you just can’t find started for you.
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Preventing Crabgrass & Goose Grass

Preventing Crabgrass & Goose Grass

Crabgrass and  goose grass are very often incorrectly identified. They are annual plants; that come from seed in early and late-spring. They develop into aggressively spreading plants in June through July. Often people confuse crabgrass and goose grass with other perennial grasses, which are present in lawns year-round. The majority of perennial grasses can not be selectively controlled. 
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Advantages of Raised Garden Beds

Advantages of Raised Garden Beds

Raised beds are very versatile and easy to use. A raised bed allows you to easily control your soil mixture so that you can always have the proper soil for your plants. As you customize the soil mixtures in your raised beds, you can improve soil drainage and soil compaction, this being the most important advantage. This is very important, especially with the high alkaline, clay soil that we deal with here in our area.
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Spring Lawn Prep - What is Thatch?

Spring Lawn Prep - What is Thatch?

"Thatch” is the build up of dead grass material right at soil level. Grasses that reproduce from rhizomes are the biggest contributors to thatch build up.
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Zamzows CompostTea

Zamzows CompostTea

There comes a time in every gardening season when all the plants are planted.  All the vegetables tended.  This time of year comes so much faster than we ever realize.  For organic and natural gardeners the options for getting plants to put out that little extra is very limited. What if I could show you a way to feed your plants naturally and you would see miracle-like results?
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How To Plant And Store Bulbs In Fall

How To Plant And Store Bulbs In Fall

Fall is THE time to plant bulbs for spring blooms. You want to aim to have your bulbs are in the ground before the first hard frost but it ok if you plant a little later. In Boise, aim to plant your bulbs in late September to early November. The cooler temperatures allow the bulbs to establish roots before the ground freezes.
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Planting Cover Crops

Planting Cover Crops

What is a cover crop and how do you use them in your garden? Cover crops are essentially sacrificial crops that are planted, allowed to grow, then mowed over and tilled under to allow the organic matter to decompose.
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Fall Lawn Recovery

Fall Lawn Recovery

Summer is the most stressful time of year for our lawn. Our cool-season grasses do not appreciate multiple days above 100 degrees. The good news is that late summer and early fall are the optimal time for our lawns to recover and in this article I will outline the multi-step process.

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Preparing Your Garden For Fall

Preparing Your Garden For Fall

As fall approaches, seize the moment to revitalize your garden. Trim and nurture existing plants for healthier yields, embrace cover crops to enhance soil health and invite beneficial insects. Enhance with amendments like compost, gypsum, and Zamzows Huma Green. Tend to perennials and shrubs, then consider leaving trimmings for wildlife. Fall is prime for planting and transplanting, while sowing grass seed ensures a vibrant lawn.
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Zamzows Huma Green Has Many Uses!

Zamzows Huma Green Has Many Uses!

Have you ever thought “What if I used Huma Green in my garden?” Today we are going to talk about a few places that will greatly benefit from using Zamzows Huma Green.

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Zamzows Tips For Growing Tomatoes

Zamzows Tips For Growing Tomatoes

When it comes to the home garden. People that don’t “Garden” still like to grow a tomato or two. Over the years, we have compiled some great advice to help everyone be successful.
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Preparing Your Lawn and Garden For Summer

Preparing Your Lawn and Garden For Summer

Summer is the most stressful time for our lawns and gardens. When the temperature increases, underlying problems begin to appear. Here are eight ways you can prepare your lawn to thrive throughout the summer heat.

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