Zamzows Huma Green Has Many Uses!

Zamzows Huma Green Has Many Uses!

If you’re on our Zamzows Lawn Program or have used Zamzows Huma Green previously, you already know the grass is greener and it holds moisture without increasing the growth rate. But did you know that Zamzows Huma Green is not just for lawns? It provides amazing benefits in many other places throughout your yard and garden! Here are just a few ideas:

1. Vegetables

One of the greatest benefits of growing vegetables is the superior taste. Have you ever wondered why that is? Our vegetables' taste can be directly tied to the nutrition in the soil. Zamzows Huma Green has a lot of iron and a large variety of micronutrients that will boost the health of your soil and fill your vegetables with amazing taste! 

2. Overseeding Cover

When seeding a lawn you will want to cover your seed with something to hold in the moisture and hide the seeds from birds. Compost or peat moss can be used, but those products are tricky when grass is present. Instead, use Zamzows Huma Green as a cover when overseeding and you’ll see amazing results! After spreading your seed, a regular application of Zamzows Huma green will cover the seed just enough to retain the right amount of moisture to ensure sprouting.

3. Top Dressing After Aeration and Dethatching

Aeration and dethatching are often required to be done to your lawn every few years or so if your lawn is not biologically active or if you have compacted soil. The real benefit to aeration and dethatching comes in the top dressing that should be done afterward. There are many top dressings that can be used, but guess which one we recommend? That’s right, Zamzows Huma Green! It will be easier to spread than most other top dressings, and the nutrition and soil life that it builds are priceless. Plus, with Zamzows Huma Green most users report that they don’t need to aerate or thatch as often after using it!

4. More Can Be Better

We don’t say this very often at Zamzows, but when it comes to applying Zamzows Huma Green, more is better. You can literally apply Zamzows Huma Green every time you fertilize your lawn. You will be astounded by the results! You will enjoy the fullest, greenest lawn you will ever see.
As you can see, Zamzows Huma Green is a very diverse product. Let’s face it, when something is good for the soil, it’s good for plants. What Zamzows Huma Green brings to the table is a diverse and complex meal that everything will benefit from.