Understanding Lawn Fungus – Zamzows store
Lawn Fungus

Lawn Fungus

Fungus Among us

Lawn fungus is one of the most difficult things to identify and treat in a lawn. Their spread and damage can seem unstoppable at times. It is highly recommended that a large sample of grass be brought to your nearest Zamzows as proper identification is critical for eradication. There are a few things to understand when beginning to treat fungus in your lawns.


Prevention is always the best way to handle any lawn fungus. Once you have a visible symptom the road to recovery can be a long one. This can be difficult if you are new to a home, and don’t know it’s history. If you have had a problem with a fungus in the past, take time to note what time of year you first noticed symptoms. Make a reminder on your phone or somewhere convenient. The following year begin your applications about two weeks before this date with Zamzows Defendz Systemic Fungus Control. This will protect your grass from infection for up to two weeks, a follow-up application is recommended.

Look to the soil

Many fungus problems can be traced back to a problem with your soil, nutrition, or watering. Getting a fungus in your lawn is really a secondary symptom to a larger problem with your soil. Fertilizing regularly with Zamzows Lawn Food, Zamzows Huma Green, and Zamzows Recharger (lawn Program anyone) will provide your lawn with all the nutrients in the proper balance. Using other soil amendments such as Zamzows Garden Pearls, sulfur, and Zamzows Pena Turf can keep everything in proper balance. Fungus needs moisture to be present during cooler temperatures before they can infect your lawn. These cooler temperatures usually occur at night so watering in the morning will give the lawn time to dry out during the day and reduce the risk of infection.

Keep it clean

Cleanliness is an important factor in preventing and eradicating fungus from the lawn. When you know you have a fungus problem, bagging your clippings will be very important to remove the infected material from your lawn. When possible mow the infected area last, this will reduce the chance of spreading the fungus through the lawn. Cleaning the wheels and blade of your mower can also help control the spread of the disease through the lawn. Sharpening your mower blade will assure a clean cut that will heal much faster and slow down the potential infection.

There is not much fun when it comes to fungus. It is a very difficult problem to manage, and it takes a lot of patience. Timing and proper nutrition cannot be neglected when comes to eradication and restoration.