Lawn & Garden / tomato

Zamzows Tips For Growing Tomatoes

Zamzows Tips For Growing Tomatoes

When it comes to the home garden. People that don’t “Garden” still like to grow a tomato or two. Over the years, we have compiled some great advice to help everyone be successful.
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Taking Care of Your Tomatoes When It's Hot.

Taking Care of Your Tomatoes When It's Hot.

Many early fruiting tomato varieties like Early Girl don’t like temperatures above 85-90 degrees. As the temperatures, rise many of these varieties will stop blooming, and those that do bloom will have poor fruit set. However, there are still a few things you can do to keep your tomatoes healthy until the temperatures come back down, and your tomatoes begin setting fruit again.
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Zamzows Nutri-Rich Organic Fertilizer

Zamzows Nutri-Rich Organic Fertilizer

Zamzows Nutri-Rich is a 100% certified organic all-purpose fertilizer. The majority of organic fertilizers are unbalanced and very high in nitrogen. Our formula is 4-3-3. This balanced nutrient rich blend provides long-lasting natural plant food; it also contains 7% calcium.
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