"Thatch” is the build up of dead grass material right at soil level. Grasses that reproduce from rhizomes are the biggest contributors to thatch build up.
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Having been one of the snowiest winters in history, Idaho lawns will have some rare issues to deal with this spring. In this article, I’d like to address Snow Mold. This fungus presents unique problems for the lawn that are difficult to treat, however, very easy to prevent.
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Welcome back, friend! Weren’t you the one who came to Zamzows.com last winter when your dog’s muddy paws were ruining your carpet? If I recall, your lawn had large bald spots where the grass either didn’t grow or was damaged due to high traffic, digging, urine burns, the wrong grass seed for the area, weather, etc... Well, not to worry! You’ve arrived at the blog post that will teach you how to fix those bald spots!
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We all get that natural spring cleaning bug that creeps in when the weather starts to warm up. This is the perfect time to embrace that extra energy and take it outside! The following are a few items to put on your spring to-do list for the lawn and garden.
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This unforgiving pest is one of the worst. I know many a plant enthusiast who has come across mealybugs though and lived to tell the tale. The secret to beating this highly mobile, invasive pest is patience and diligence.
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Extreme temperatures and below-average snowpack have created drought conditions for everyone in Idaho. In anticipation of water conservation measures and likely early water shutoffs, you may be wondering, how will I keep my lawn green?
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As the global trend in biophilia continues to evolve, many people have started to expand their botanic collections to include even more rare and unique plants with diverse and delicate care requirements.
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Hydrologists and meteorologists are predicting another year with less water than we need. This is leaving homeowners wondering what they can do to make it through the summer without making the already bad situation worse. The good news is there are some simple things you can do in your yard that will make all the difference!
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Getting rid of thistle is not an easy task. It will require perseverance on your part, and a great weed killer. You will need two products to get rid of the thistle in your lawn
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This guide will cover what happens after planting your tree and the best practices for the first few years.
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"Why is it I do all this work, and they barely do anything, and his lawn is always better than mine?"
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