Taking a Proper Lawn Sample – Zamzows store
Taking a Proper Lawn Sample

Taking a Proper Lawn Sample

If you have a lawn, something will inevitably go wrong. There are many possibilities: from bugs, disease, soil issues, stray dogs, or a piece of cardboard left out for too long. It’s a wonder lawns can survive at all. 

When you notice some damage and aren’t sure what to do next, bring in a sample to your local Zamzows. We'll help get to the bottom of what is going on.

Having a proper sample is the key to figuring out what is happening to your lawn. Below are the steps to taking a sample, so we can inspect, diagnose, get you the correct products, and return your sample like nothing ever happened.

The Good & The Bad

The first thing to consider when taking a lawn sample is the location. Often when the lawn is damaged there are areas of dead grass, followed by areas of dying grass, and ending with areas of still living undamaged grass. These transition areas are the best places to look for the cause of the damage. Identify this zone where the good grass is coming into the bad grass to take your sample.

One Foot by One Foot

The ideal sample should be approximately one foot by one foot square. This amount of lawn will give us plenty of space to look through and identify any potential issues. Using your shovel, cut out the outline of your sample. The shape doesn’t really matter, but a square fits nicely into a tub or box.

Two to Three Inches

The sample should go down two to three inches into the soil. Even a little deeper is fine. There are several things we can see from a deeper sample, and it will give us a more complete picture of the area, possible issues, and potential underlying issues. The other reason to take such a deep sample is so that once we have finished looking through the sample, you will be able to return the sample to the area where it was removed. Oftentimes, with treatment, the section removed will recover along with the rest of the lawn and you won’t be able to tell it was removed in the first place.

A Picture is Worth at Least a Couple Bucks

Having a pulled back picture of the area can also shed a lot of light on the potential problems. Sometimes, having a little more context can identify oddball situations like blocked sprinklers and other patterns.

If you have a trouble spot in your lawn and need a little help, Zamzows is here to get to the bottom of it with you. With the proper sample and a little context, we can set you up with a treatment plan and have your lawn on the road to recovery.