Lawn & Garden / insect control

How to Control Aphids

How to Control Aphids

How do I Kill Aphids? Aphids are out and destroying trees and shrubs. There are a few ways to kill aphids and prevent them from coming back. If you prefer to go the all natural way to kill aphids, you can purchase ladybugs. Adult ladybugs can eat up to 1000 aphids a day and as larvae, about half as many.
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Organic Insect Control - Diatomaceous Earth

Organic Insect Control - Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous Earth is made from the finely ground fossils of prehistoric fresh water diatoms. Diatomaceous Earth (D.E.) kills common household and garden pests like roaches, ants, fleas, beetles and many others. It can provide a long lasting insect control. It sprinkles easily into cracks and crevices where bugs hide and wipes them out!
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