Lawn & Garden / idaho lawncare

Lawn Fungus

Lawn Fungus

Lawn fungus is one of the most difficult things to identify and treat in a lawn. Their spread and damage can seem unstoppable at times. It is highly recommended that a large sample of grass be brought to your nearest Zamzows as proper identification is critical for eradication.
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How to Stop Dog Urine Burns in Your Lawn.

How to Stop Dog Urine Burns in Your Lawn.

There are many ways to stop dog urine from burning or yellowing grass on your lawn. These are all healthy and safe suggestions to stop your dog from creating those unsightly urine burns on your grass.
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Lawn Rust in Idaho

Lawn Rust in Idaho

Lawn rust appears on the grass blade tips as an orange powder stuck to the leaves. You want to make this distinction, as brown or dying leaf blades may be symptomatic of other issues in the lawn.
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The Best time to Control Weeds: Fall

The Best time to Control Weeds: Fall

When Spring rolls around and we begin work on our lawns, the most common issues we deal with early on are weeds.  When it comes to Spring weeds, Dandelions are the most prevalent.  Did you know that Dandelions and other early Spring weeds actually began growing in the Fall of the previous year.  Spraying those weeds in Spring actually takes twice as much effort to control them
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Why You Should Fertilize Your Lawn This Fall

Why You Should Fertilize Your Lawn This Fall

Many people neglect to feed their lawn in autumn. However, this may be the most crucial feeding your grass gets all year!  
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How Long Should I Water My Lawn in Idaho?

How Long Should I Water My Lawn in Idaho?

Many people have been requesting a monthly lawn watering guide.  I have hesitated to create it for a while because it is a really difficult question to answer in a broad sense.  There are just too many variables.
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