Lawn & Garden / fertilizer for gardens

Preparing Your Garden For Fall

Preparing Your Garden For Fall

As fall approaches, seize the moment to revitalize your garden. Trim and nurture existing plants for healthier yields, embrace cover crops to enhance soil health and invite beneficial insects. Enhance with amendments like compost, gypsum, and Zamzows Huma Green. Tend to perennials and shrubs, then consider leaving trimmings for wildlife. Fall is prime for planting and transplanting, while sowing grass seed ensures a vibrant lawn.
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Summer Garden Mulch

Summer Garden Mulch

During the heat of summer, our gardens put on a lot of growth. Unfortunately, the weeds can begin to take off as well. Adding a summer mulch can help with your weeding, conserve water and cool the soil.
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What Makes a Mulch

What Makes a Mulch

Have you ever wondered how people grew fruits and vegetables before commercial fertilizers were available? Before World War II there were almost no commercial fertilizers.
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Zamzows Nutri-Rich Organic Fertilizer

Zamzows Nutri-Rich Organic Fertilizer

Zamzows Nutri-Rich is a 100% certified organic all-purpose fertilizer. The majority of organic fertilizers are unbalanced and very high in nitrogen. Our formula is 4-3-3. This balanced nutrient rich blend provides long-lasting natural plant food; it also contains 7% calcium.
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Zamzows CompostTea

Zamzows CompostTea

There comes a time in every gardening season when all the plants are planted.  All the vegetables tended.  This time of year comes so much faster than we ever realize.  For organic and natural gardeners the options for getting plants to put out that little extra is very limited. What if I could show you a way to feed your plants naturally and you would see miracle-like results?
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