Pets & Animals / safety

Making Your Backyard Summer Safe.

Making Your Backyard Summer Safe.

As summer heats up we need to re-evaluate what type of environment our dog needs in the heat. Many of us leave our pets outside during the day so here are some simple tips to making your backyard summer safe...
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Winter Safety For Dogs and Cats

Winter Safety For Dogs and Cats

Winter can be a stressful time for our dogs and cats. Especially when they need to stay outside for awhile. Keeping them comfortable when the temperatures drop presents some specific challenges we should address.
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Fourth of July Pet Safety

Fourth of July Pet Safety

The weeknights leading up to the Fourth of July are full of neighborhood firework displays. During these weeks, our local humane societies often get twice as many reports of lost and missing pets. Keeping this statistic in mind, here are some ways to keep your pet safe while providing anxiety relief.
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