Winter can be a stressful time for our dogs and cats. Especially when they need to stay outside for awhile. Keeping them comfortable when the temperatures drop presents some specific challenges we should address.
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What is up with the mud this year?!? Mild winter weather has allowed us to get outdoors with our pets to frolic in the sunshine. But the warm days and cold nights, combined with precipitation have also created a perfect storm for nasty mud in our yard, and of course, the inevitable muddy paws that come back inside. So, what to do about this?
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There are several ways to prevent and treat ticks. They range in price and time commitment. Powders, sprays, and shampoos can be inexpensive but need to be done frequently while spot treatments and collars generally have a higher price tag but only need to be done monthly or seasonally.
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As summer heats up we need to re-evaluate what type of environment our dog needs in the heat. Many of us leave our pets outside during the day so here are some simple tips to making your backyard summer safe...
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The weeknights leading up to the Fourth of July are full of neighborhood firework displays. During these weeks, our local humane societies often get twice as many reports of lost and missing pets. Keeping this statistic in mind, here are some ways to keep your pet safe while providing anxiety relief.
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As the year has gone on and we have been able to venture out, I feel so lucky that we found Opal and brought her into our family. I look forward to every adventure with her and I know she does as well. She knows what’s up as I begin pulling out my gear and loading up the truck. Once it’s time to go, she can’t get into the truck fast enough.
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I still consider myself to be a new dog owner. Opal turned one in July, but we adopted her in October. When we got Opal, my kids were still in school. During the formative months, we successfully house and crate trained her. For the last few months of school, Opal did just fine in her crate while the kids were at school.
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Zamzows dog food is a calorie dense product and the amount you will need to feed will most likely decrease. The feeding guidelines noted on the back of the bag have been established by researchers to best address your dogs weight and size. Overfeeding is a significant cause of diarrhea and gas. Your dog may appear to be hungry but be assured they are receiving all of the nutrients that their body needs. Overfeeding your dog can contribute to significant health risks which can include joint problems and Diabetes.
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Most dogs will do fine converting immediately over to their new dog food. If you do not have any of your old dog food available, start using the new food as you normally would do when feeding.
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Many dog owners’ associate bacteria with negative things, but only a portion of all bacteria are actually harmful. Most bacteria are harmless and some bacteria are important in maintaining proper digestive health for your dog.
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Unlike you and I, dogs can’t tell us why they aren’t feeling well. If you’re seeing excessive scratching, irritated skin, poor coat quality, hot spots or bald patches, chronic ear infections, vomiting or diarrhea, you’re likely observing the symptoms of a food allergy.
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