Lawn & Garden / watering

Summer Garden Mulch

Summer Garden Mulch

During the heat of summer, our gardens put on a lot of growth. Unfortunately, the weeds can begin to take off as well. Adding a summer mulch can help with your weeding, conserve water and cool the soil.
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Watering Properly to Save Your Lawn From Drought

Watering Properly to Save Your Lawn From Drought

Extreme temperatures and below-average snowpack have created drought conditions for everyone in Idaho. In anticipation of water conservation measures and likely early water shutoffs, you may be wondering, how will I keep my lawn green?
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Water Less, and Keep the Green

Water Less, and Keep the Green

Hydrologists and meteorologists are predicting another year with less water than we need. This is leaving homeowners wondering what they can do to make it through the summer without making the already bad situation worse. The good news is there are some simple things you can do in your yard that will make all the difference!
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A Local Fertilizer For Local Lawns

A Local Fertilizer For Local Lawns

"Why is it I do all this work, and they barely do anything, and his lawn is always better than mine?"
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Taking Care of Your Tomatoes When It's Hot.

Taking Care of Your Tomatoes When It's Hot.

Many early fruiting tomato varieties like Early Girl don’t like temperatures above 85-90 degrees. As the temperatures, rise many of these varieties will stop blooming, and those that do bloom will have poor fruit set. However, there are still a few things you can do to keep your tomatoes healthy until the temperatures come back down, and your tomatoes begin setting fruit again.
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Planting a New Lawn

Planting a New Lawn

When planting a new lawn, you want to get it done right the first time. Here we will outline everything you need to know so you can save yourself time, money, and potentially a few headaches.
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Your Soil and Proper Watering

Your Soil and Proper Watering

Recently, Jim Zamzow was asked to speak at the Nampa Public Library concerning healthy soil and the impact it has on our water quality, in conjunction with a traveling exhibit on water from the Smithsonian Museum. We don’t think about this very much, however, it should be one of the most important things we consider when fertilizing our lawns, landscape, and gardens.

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How Long Should I Water My Lawn in Idaho?

How Long Should I Water My Lawn in Idaho?

Many people have been requesting a monthly lawn watering guide.  I have hesitated to create it for a while because it is a really difficult question to answer in a broad sense.  There are just too many variables.
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