There are several ways to prevent and treat ticks. They range in price and time commitment. Powders, sprays, and shampoos can be inexpensive but need to be done frequently while spot treatments and collars generally have a higher price tag but only need to be done monthly or seasonally.
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Black Soldier Fly Larvae are an excellent feeder bug for any reptile, or other animals, that eat insects! They have a good amount of protein, aren’t too high in fat, and are softer and easier to digest than some other feeders like mealworms. Their most important feature though is their naturally high calcium content!
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Have you ever heard the phrase “Even my dog eats local food”? What if you could feed your dog a food made with ingredients from a farm down the street from you? Eating local is not just a trend, it is a decision one makes to support local companies and eat fresher ingredients. This is how Zamzows started, and what we strive for in all the products we produce.
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