Chicken Deliveries By Store – Zamzows store
Chicken Deliveries By Store

Chicken Deliveries By Store


Spring is on the way and with it comes the arrival of baby chickens. If you’re looking for a variety of new chicks for your backyard flock, look no further than your local Zamzows! All 12 Zamzows locations will have a variety of baby chickens arriving soon with the lowest prices around. We also only order “pullets” so you’re almost guaranteed to get a laying hen! Plus, with eggs being more expensive than ever, now is the perfect time to bring home your own laying hens. 


These are approximate dates and birds will arrive the week of, so follow us on our Facebook or Instagram for precise arrival updates.

State Street

Arriving The Weeks Of:

March 3rd: Buff Rock, Delaware, Partridge Cochin, Dorking
March 10th: Buff Orpington, Brown Leghorn, Black Cochin, White Wyandotte
March 17th: White Jersey Giant, Jersey Black Giant, Dominique, Buff Minorcas, Buff Rock, White Wyandotte
March 24th: Ameraucana, White Leghorn, Speckled Sussex, White Wyandotte
March 31st: Brown Leghorn, Dominique, White Rock, Delaware
April 7th: Bielefelder, Delaware, Partridge Cochin
April 14th: Silver Leghorn, White Wyandotte, Partridge Rock
April 21st: Ameraucana, Black Star Sex Link, New Hampshire


Arriving The Weeks Of:

March 3rd: White Jersey Giant, Speckled Sussex, Delaware, Dorking
March 10th: Buff Orpington, Bielefelder, Buff Rock, Blue Andalusian
March 17th: Brown Leghorn, Speckled Sussex, White Rock, Delaware
March 24th: Ameraucana, White Jersey Giant, Jersey Black Giant, Delaware
March 31st: Jersey Black Giant, Dominique, Columbian Wyandotte, Delaware
April 7th: White Wyandotte, Blue Andalusian, Delaware, Black Langshan
April 14th: White Jersey Giant, Buff Rock, Columbian Wyandotte



Arriving The Weeks Of:

March 3rd: White Jersey Giant, Blue Andalusian
March 10th: Buff Orpington, Speckled Sussex, Bue Andalusian, Lakenvelder
March 24th: Buttercup, Buff Rock, Buff Minorcas, White Face Black Spanish
March 31st: Golden Laced Wyandotte, Jersey Black Giant, Delaware
April 7th: White Rock, Blue Andalusian, Partridge Cochin
April 14th: Silver Leghorn, Dominique, Delaware, Silver Spangled Hamburg
April 28th: Ameraucana, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Ancona

Lake Hazel

Arriving The Weeks Of:

March 3rd: White Wyandotte, Partridge Cochin
March 10th: Jersey Black Giant, Buff Orpington 
March 17th: White Jersey Giant, White Crested Black Polish
March 24th: Ameraucana, New Hampshire, Delaware
March 31st: Jersey Black Giant, Dominique, Partridge Rock
April 7th: White Rock, Buff Minorcas, Partridge Cochin
April 14th: Brown Leghorn, Black Cochin, Columbian Wyandotte



Arriving The Weeks Of:

March 3rd: Brown Leghorn, Partridge Cochin, White Langshan 
March 10th: Light Brahma, Speckled Sussex, White Wyandotte
March 17th: Buff Rock, Columbian Blue Andalusian 
March 24th: Ameraucana, Buff Orpington, New Hampshire, Jersey Black Giant
March 31st: Buff Rock, Blue Andalusian, Partridge Rock
April 7th: White Crested Black Polish, Delaware, Partridge Cochin
April 14th: Brown Leghorn, Columbian Wyandotte, Blue Andalusian, Delaware
April 21st: Ameraucana, Buff Rock, Blue Andalusian


Arriving The Weeks Of:

March 3rd: Brown Leghorn, White Rock, Buff Minorcas 
March 10th: Speckled Sussex, Silver Leghorn, Delaware
March 17th: Buttercup, Buff Rock, Egyptian Fayoumi
March 24th: Jersey Black Giant,  Buff Cochin, Columbian Wyandotte
March 31st: Ameraucana, Buff Orpington, Partridge Rock
April 7th: White Rock, Delaware, Partridge Cochin
April 14th: Ameraucana, Buff Rock, Black Langshan
April 28th: Silver Laced Wyandotte, Golden Laced Wyandotte

Nampa - Caldwell Boulevard

Arriving The Weeks Of:

March 3rd: White Jersey Giant, Columbian Wyandotte, Delaware, Partridge Cochin
March 10th: Buff Orpington, Brown Leghorn, Jersey Black Giant, Columbian Wyandotte
March 17th:  White Jersey Giant, Dominique, Partridge Rock
March 24th: Ameraucana, Buff Orpington, Golden Laced Wyandott, New Hampshire, Jersey Black Giant, Speckled Sussex
March 31st: Brown Leghorn, Jersey Black Giant, Dominique, Buff Rock
April 7th: White Leghorn, Black Cochin, Delaware
April 14th: White Rock, Columbian Wyandotte, Delaware, Partridge Cochin
April 21st: Ameraucana, Buff Orpington, Black Star Sex Link

Nampa - Franklin

Arriving The Weeks Of:

March 3rd: Speckled Sussex, Black Cochin, Buff Minorcas
March 10th: Buff Orpington, Jersey Black Giant, Columbian Wyandotte
March 17th: Columbian Wyandotte, Blue Andalusian, Partridge Rock
March 24th: Ameraucana, Dominique, Buff Cochin
March 31st: Ameraucana, Jersey Black Giant, Dominique
April 7th: Black Cochin, Bielefelder, Delaware
April 14th: Brown Leghorn, Black Cochin, Delaware


Federal Way

Arriving The Weeks Of:

March 3rd: White Wyandotte, Buff Laced Polish, Silver Polish 
March 10th: Buff Orpington, Blue Cochin, White Crested Black Polish, Delaware
March 17th: Dominique, Buff Rock, Columbian Wyandotte, Dorking
March 24th: Ameraucana, Golden Laced Wyandott, Blue Andalusian, Partridge Cochin
March 31st: Buff Minorcas, White Crested Black Polish, White Cochin, White Face Black Spanish
April 7th: Brown Leghorn, White Rock, Blue Andalusian, 
April 14th: White Rock, Buff Rock, Columbian Wyandotte, Golden Polish


Arriving The Weeks Of:

March 3rd: Jersey Black Giant, White Wyandotte, Delaware
March 10th: Buff Orpington, Speckled Sussex, Colombian Wyandotte, Blue Andalusian
March 17th: Buff Rock, Columbian Wyandotte, Blue Andalusian
March 24th: Ameraucana, Buff Orpington, Black Cochin, White Wyandotte
March 31st: Ameraucana, White Wyandotte, Partridge Rock 
April 7th: Bielefelder, White Wyandotte, Blue Andalusian, Delaware
April 14th: White Rock, Buff Rock, Partridge Cochin
April 21st: Ameraucana, Buff Orpington, New Hampshire, Speckled Sussex


Arriving The Weeks Of:

March 3rd: Blue Andalusian, Partridge Cochin, White Langshan
March 10th: Buff Orpington, Jersey Black Giant, Speckled Sussex, Bielefelder
March 17th: Jersey Black Giant, Black Cochin, Buff Rock, Dorking
March 24th: Ameraucana, New Hampshire, White Wyandotte
March 31st: Bielefelder, Buff Rock, Columbian Wyandotte
April 7th: White Leghorn, White Crested Black Polish, Delaware, Dorking
April 14th: White Rock, Buff Rock, Partridge Cochin, Dorking


Arriving The Weeks Of:

March 3rd: Brown Leghorn, Brown Leghorn, Golden Campine
March 10th: Buff Orpington, White Crested Black Polish, Blue Andalusian
March 17th: Buff Minorcas, Columbian Wyandotte, Delaware
March 24th: Ameraucana, Dominique, Buff Minorcas, Dorking
March 31st: White Wyandotte, Partridge Rock, White Langshan 
April 7th: Columbian Wyandotte, Blue Andalusian
April 14th: White Jersey Giant, Delaware, Partridge Rock
April 21st: Ameraucana, Buff Laced Polish


Learn some of the basics for raising chickens in our blog post  "Getting Started With Backyard Chickens"

We also have more helpful tips and tricks you can read here. "Tips and Tricks For Raising Chicks"

To learn  about proper diet and feeding routines, check out our article, "A Guide to Chicken Nutrition"


Check back here for updates or follow us on Facebook and Instagram


For anyone seeking specific breeds, ducks, geese, or quail - Please reach out here.