When You Should Apply Zamzows Thrive To Your Plants

When You Should Apply Zamzows Thrive To Your Plants

What is Zamzows Thrive?

To say Zamzows Thrive is a fertilizer is only part of the story. It does provide your basic N-P-K macro-nutrients. The number of micro-nutrients it supplies to our soil sets it apart from any other fertilizer on the market. In addition to the nutrients, its naturally-based formula feeds the tiny organisms in the soil. It’s these micro-organisms that are the key to healthy plants. Without micro-organisms, our soil is dead, making it nearly impossible to raise healthy, productive plants. Most fertilizers on the market kill the soil, making it inhospitable and reliant on chemical fertilizers. Zamzows Thrive improves the soil, feeding the beneficial organisms, making your soil the best it can be so you can grow just about anything!

When Do You Use Zamzows Thrive?

I get asked this question a lot, and honestly, there isn’t a wrong time to use Zamzows Thrive. These are some general guidelines for when to apply Zamzows Thrive.

New Plantings

Purchasing and planting new trees, shrubs, perennials, annuals, and gardens is a serious investment. We spend a lot of money on our plants, and getting them started right is our greatest challenge. Zamzows Thrive is the perfect starter fertilizer for any of the plants you’re investing in at any time of year. When applied at planting, Thrive will promote healthy root development, reduce transplant shock, and encourage beneficial microbes to grow in the soil around your new plants, giving them the best chance for long-term health.

Stressed Plants

At some point in time, you will probably have a plant suffer from some stress. There are many forms of stress, and you’ll usually know it when you see it. Whether it’s from heat, drought, broken limb, flooding, rouge string trimmer, or you got too close with a weed killer. Zamzows Thrive will help your plants recover. During these times, we recommend applying Thrive at the regular rate once a month to aid in recovery.

Spring & Fall Feeding

Even established plants need food regularly. In spring, our plants are waking up and coming out of dormancy. They have used up most of their stored energy and nutrients, and some Thrive is the perfect food to wake them up and encourage healthy growth without force-feeding them. In fall, our plants are going into dormancy and storing energy and nutrients. Many people will ask us for a fertilizer spike in the fall. We don’t carry the dry fertilizer spikes, ours come in liquid form, and they are called Thrive. Feeding in the fall assures your plants will have everything they want to store, so they can continue to recover and prepare for the long winter months. 

Fruit Trees & Berries

Your fruiting plants work hard to produce the delicious fruits we love. Depending on the variety of fruit, a dose of Thrive a few weeks before fruiting adds all the nutrients, they are going to need to be produced that year. So, adjust the timing of your spring feeding based on your specific fruit and feed again in the fall.

Garden Vegetables & Fruit

A well-fed garden will reward you with a tasty bounty. Feeding your plants after planting will get them off on the right foot. Early on, they will use their Thrive to establish their roots system in preparation for fruiting and summer heat. Once they begin producing, feeding every three to four weeks will provide them with loads of nutrition they will utilize. Before you know it, you’ll have more squash than you could ever eat!


You may not have thought to give your lawn Thrive. But, let me tell you, an application of Thrive to your grass in summer will green your lawn like no other fertilizer. In addition to healthy green grass, Thrive conditions your soil feeding all the beneficial microbes that make for healthy plants. You’ll even find you can use less water! What’s even better, you can apply Thrive in addition to Zamzows Lawn Food, Huma Green, and Recharger without the risk of burning.

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