A Local Fertilizer For Local Lawns

A Local Fertilizer For Local Lawns

Made In Idaho for Idaho Lawns

Years ago Zamzows was just like another lawn and garden store.  They sold the same things you could find at any corner store that sold fertilizers, weed, and bug control products.  However, there was a turning point.  A point at which Jim realized the national brands weren't cutting it.  After years of struggling to figure out why the things, he'd been taught no longer worked.  A customer asked Jim to take a look at his lawn.  This customer pointed out his neighbor's yard, and asked: "why is it I do all this work, and they barely do anything, and his lawn is always better than mine?"


Something's Amiss

It was obvious to Jim now that something was amiss.  The things he'd learned weren't adding up.  The solutions that were given where always, "just use more."  As you could guess this didn't sit well with him.   So he began looking deeper, to find the actual solution to the problem.


Building Up The Idaho Soils

Jim began working on a new fertilizer, one that would build up the soil instead of tearing it down year after year.  It took time and patience.  It took many trials and errors to come to the solution.  Eventually, the answers came together and what we all got, was Zamzows Spring and Summer Lawn Food.  A fertilizer that contained the things our soils needed.  By feeding the soil we get healthier lawns that resist disease and deter insects.  We got food that replenished the nutrients the grass used up.  Working together with Zamzows Huma Green and Zamzows Recharger we have access to the most complete fertilizing regiment available.